The holiday season is upon us, we are in the countdown to family gatherings and gift giving. For a lot of us we are also in the season of stress, strain, and energy dips. During the holidays it is vital we keep our energy balanced and flowing so we can take on the 'extra-ness' the season demands.
During this festive season you may be coming across individuals that don't typically move in your day to day circle, there is the gift giving obligations that many of us feel, and the strange dynamic of gathering or not gathering during the pandemic. No doubt its a strange time!
What that means for us at an energetic level is we may be feeling low, tired, drained and in need of rest. Some of us will feel overwhelmed and some lonely. No matter what your particular situation, you must make time to balance your energy and go within. Even 5 minutes a day to check in with your body, focus on your breathing, will help carry you through this season.
Running through your mental lists and checking them twice can lead to total burnout. There is a lack of enjoyment associated with autopilot celebrating, and a relief when it is all over. This isn't the way to enjoy your holidays and you deserve a special time where you get to feel restored and create memories.
Energy Healing can help you on all levels, physical, emotional, spiritual- and can leave you feeling calm and settled. Enjoy your holidays and remember to tap in to your life force energy and balance during this busy time.