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Benefits of Energy Healing

  • Unlock stagnant energy

  • Balance Chakras

  • Improve mood, energy, vitality

  • Improve your sleep, avoid insomnia

  • Promote clear flow of energy in the body

  • Reduces physical and emotional pain

  • Reduces stress and improves concentration

  • Balance mood, clear emotions

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Awakens intuition

  • Strengthens immune system

  • Promotes healing

  • Assists in weight loss

  • Releases toxins

  • Removes blockages in the body

  • Promotes feeling of well-being

  • Enhance organ functions

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Releases Trauma from the energy body


“A journey of a thousand miles 

begins with a single step”

 - Lao Tzu

Your healing is a powerful contribution to the healing of the world.




Energy Healing Session

A method of energy healing that works through the focus and intention of the healer. A session restores balance and flow within the body providing healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Effects can be dramatic or subtle, but are always healing and life enhancing. Cord cutting, power recall, forgiveness & contract release included. 

Fully clothed on table.

60 Min - $ 150

EFT/TFT Tapping Session

Emotional Freedom Technique/ Thought Field Therapy known as 'Tapping' will allow you to free up trapped or reversed energy in your body. By tapping on certain meridians in a sequence we can lessen the effects that issues in your life may be having on your health and well being.

60 Min - $100


Sacred Womb Healing

 Women carry trauma and blockages in their sacred womb - this has detrimental affects on their life. Trauma can accumulate due to sexual abuse, sexual partners that carry poor intentions and trauma in their energy field, miscarriages, abortions, childbirth, etc... With sacred womb healing these factors that may be blocking the sacral portal can be lifted and removed, providing full restoration to a woman. Opening her creative center, her core of all creation and creative expression. Releasing her full divine feminine energy and essence, and awakening her divine sexual energy. Allowing her sacred healing energy to flow easily throughout her being.

60 Min - $185



Mommy & Me

Mommy and Me Energy Healing Services for pregnancy, delivery, and post birth. These sessions are for both the Mother and child. 'Energy Babies' are able to navigate the world with ease, better sleep patterns, less fussing, and colic relief are some of the great results of energy work. Energy sessions leave the Mommy and baby relaxed, balanced, and in deep connection with each other. Use of crystal, sound, and Energy Healing techniques during these sessions.

60 min  - $175


Full Energy Session

This healing session includes the use of the AK Healing Method which utilizes many ancient healing techniques to maximize results. This includes the use of aromatherapy, crystals, sound, meridian tapping, Pranic, Chakra, Celtic, Reiki, Ch'i, and Sekham techniques. Practitioner and client will work together to achieve the set intention based on discussions at the beginning of the session. Cord cutting, power recall, forgiveness & contract release included. Fully clothed on table.

90 Min - $200  


Distance/Quantum Energy Healing

For the client that prefers to receive healing in their own environment, then distance or quantum healing sessions are for you. Healing energy is sent through the intentions of the practitioner and received by the client at a chosen time. This is appointment based and an initial conversation is required (virtual, email, or phone). 

45 Min - $100





When I help one person to heal, I believe it has a ripple effect that goes out into the world.


Everyone has a defining moment in their life, a before and after event. We have the choice to take notice of it, obtain true growth or ignore, until the next nudge by the universe occurs to propel us to our awakening.


My moment was a car accident in which I sustained life altering injuries. This incident started my journey to find ways to heal my body, mind, and spirit. I found myself in the healing hands of some wonderful holistic practitioners and discovered a world of healing that did not involve western medicine.


 I embarked on my path to understand the work of energy healing. It began as a whisper and then became a calling that could not be ignored. I became a Reiki Master initially with the intention to utilize my knowledge to self heal, but soon I began healing others and could see the positive effects it had on their lives. This pushed me to learn more methods of energy healing, including EFT/TFT, Crystal, Sound, Pranic, Chakra, Celtic, and Sekham. 


This study led to the development of the AK Healing Method, a form of energy healing that encompasses healing modalities from around the world.  As a natural progression I became a conscious life coach, with focus on subconscious reprogramming to eliminate limiting beliefs and patterns to bring full mind, body, soul alignment and healing. 


By helping you to achieve your own healing, I am healing myself and living my truth.

-Alana Keddie-



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630 S. Orange Ave

Suite 302-E

Sarasota FL 34236


Tel: 941-735-1294


Mon - Fri: 9am - 7pm

Saturday & Sunday: 10- 6pm 

© 2020 AK Healing 

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